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The Most Common Types of Businesses in the Automotive Field

AUTOMOTIVE.ACFIRDAUS.COMThe Automotive Repair Sector is also one of the promising business fields in Indonesia. Businesses related to cars and motorcycles are also very profitable if they are well developed.

As we often see car or motorcycle repair shops are located on every corner of the highway. For those of you who have a hobby in the automotive field, it is very suitable to run a business in this automotive field. The main factor supporting this business in the automotive field is the increasing demand for automotive in society.

This one business is very diverse, and based on the type of business each one. For example, in the field of automotive services, trade in cars or motorcycles, and the automotive industry. You can choose the type of business that best suits your hobby or passion. Or it can also be adjusted to the surrounding environment where there is no automotive business field, with certain types of businesses.

What are the most common types of automotive businesses in Indonesia?

Types of Automotive Business in Indonesia

The types of businesses in the automotive sector that are most often chosen by many people include vehicle maintenance or repair services, transportation services to franchises in the automotive field. The following are some of the most common types of automotive business opportunities in Indonesia:

1. Car and Motorcycle Engine Service Workshop

Workshops are one type of automotive business that is in great demand. For example, workshops that provide light service or routine service on vehicles. For example, cleaning the carburetor, changing the oil, cleaning the radiator or other services.

In running this workshop business, maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty is an important thing to do.

How to maintain customer satisfaction can be done by improving and improvising services that are getting better from time to time. That way, the satisfaction of workshop customers is maintained and the workshop owned can increase.

2. Call Mechanic Service

Not all repair shops are willing to accept calls for personal services, such as repairing a car or motorbike that breaks down on the highway. This can be a great opportunity for those of you who have knowledge and expertise in the automotive field. You can receive a mechanical call service.

3. Service Air Brush, Cutting Sticker Car Branding

special skills are needed in this one business. Especially in the art of drawing. The results of your work will be seen from the bus body, tailgate, company car, motorcycle body, and so on.

4. Car and Motorcycle Wash Services

Currently, there are many home-scale motorcycle washing businesses to high-end hydraulic car wash businesses. You can also open this business and adjust it with the capital you have. Coupled with the sale of helmets can also be one of the list of automotive business opportunities that have considerable prospects.

5. Workshop Modification

This workshop usually accepts motorcycle or car modifications which are now in great demand by novice businessmen. For consumers who like automotive, usually will not hesitate to spend a large amount of money in modifying their vehicle. There are also vehicles that handle commercial affairs.

6. Car Audio or Video Sound System Installation and Installation Services

This business is also very profitable. Many car owners and automotive lovers are dissatisfied with the built-in sound of a car whose sound quality is felt to be lacking. Cars that are coupled with a sound system are also usually added with various kinds of colorful lights.

For those of you who are interested in opening this automotive business but do not have sufficient capital, then you can save money using Jenius products from Bank BTPN. This product is designed to help entrepreneurs who need capital for their business.

Understanding the Automotive Business and Its Development

Definition of Business in the Automotive Sector

Business is everything to change the shape, nature and appearance of an item/object through various physical and chemical means, so that the item/object has more value in accordance with the needs, currently the goods/objects are processed for tangible business products. real (having dimensional form) or just virtual (digital form).

Business is closely related to industry, especially the automotive sector. Industry is a human activity with all abilities, diligence and expertise with the help of tools or machines in processing raw, semi-finished or finished goods/materials to increase the value of the quality and use of the goods.

Industry in Indonesia has a large enough opportunity to be developed because it has abundant raw materials, Indonesia's favorable geographical location, large workforce and a promising domestic market.

However, in reality the industry in Indonesia is experiencing several obstacles in mastering technology that need to be improved at the level of human resources, competitive quality of goods and also facilities and infrastructure that are not evenly distributed throughout the region.

Automotive Development in the Industrial World

The industrial world has developed since the 18th century or known as the industrial revolution 1.0 where steam machines are used for the process of making goods for human or animal labor.

The industrial revolution 2.0 was characterized by the development of electrical energy and propulsion in various manufacturing enterprises in the era of mass production of products such as telephones, cars and airplanes that occurred in the 1870s.

Then in 1969 this computer was invented as a sign of the beginning of the industrial revolution 3.0. The development in this era is very rapid, such as electronic-based industries, information technology and automation.

The current era is known as the industrial revolution 4.0. where digital technology and the internet are developing so rapidly that they affect the changes in human life in the era of the previous revolution.

It's no secret that almost everyone relies on smartphones. Even manual transportation has also been displaced by the emergence of ride-sharing such as Go-Jek, Uber and Grab.

Functions, Benefits and Objectives of Automotive Business

1. Business function

Some of the business functions are as follows:

  • Form utility, which is a production function where a business produces a product or service that is needed by the community. For example, furniture companies, financial services companies.
  • Place utility, which is the distribution function where a business delivers a product or service to the nearest location that consumers can reach.
  • Possessive utility, namely the sales function in business where a company sells a product to consumers who need it, both goods and services.
  • Time utility, namely storage and marketing functions in business, where goods at that time are less useful to be issued when they are more useful.

2. Business benefits

This line of business provides many advantages for the perpetrators. By owning a business, you will experience the following benefits:

  • Get appreciation and recognition.
  • Be your own boss. Pay yourself.
  • Can set the time freely. Have a bright future.

3. Business Purpose

Some of the business objectives are as follows:
  • To gain profit from business activities.
  • To procure goods or services needed by the general public.
  • To achieve the welfare of the owners of factors of production and society.
  • Create job opportunities for the community.
  • To show the existence of the company in the long term.
  • Increase the progress and economic growth of society in general.
  • To show prestige and achievement.

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