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Types of Automotive Business Opportunities and How to Develop Automotive Business Opportunities

AUTOMOTIVE.ACFIRDAUS.COM - There are always opportunities that come every day from automotive news, including business opportunities. The automotive industry business opportunity is also one of the business choices that are in demand by aspiring entrepreneurs.

Unfortunately, the lack of business knowledge makes business actors unable to develop the business opportunities that have been carried out.

What are the Types of Automotive Business Opportunities?

Types of Automotive Business Opportunities

Automotive business opportunities are growing in the automotive world. In Indonesia, the development of the automotive world has experienced a significant increase from year to year.

This is evidenced by the increase in sales of motorized vehicles and their supporting accessories. So that the automotive business opportunities are wide open and increasingly in demand. This article will discuss some of the automotive business opportunities that exist.

1. The business of buying and selling vehicles (cars or motorcycles)

One of the automotive businesses that is quite well known is to open a service for buying and selling motor vehicles, both cars and motorbikes, new and used.

This business does require business capital, but if the business capital does not support it, this business can still be carried out with an intermediary (broker) that connects potential consumers with manufacturers and distributors of motor vehicles.

2. Car and Motorcycle Spare Part Sales Business

Spare parts are parts of cars and motorcycles. If your car or motorcycle is damaged, surely what you are looking for is which spare part is damaged.

And you just need to replace the spare parts. Sales of spare parts in this business is quite profitable. Because it does not affect the trend, the risk is relatively small, prices and demand tend to be stable and the value of the asset changes only slightly.

3. Car and Motorcycle Maintenance Business

If you have a car or motorbike, you definitely want your vehicle to look clean or look shiny. However, some of them do not have time to maintain their vehicles.

Then there are automotive business opportunities in the field of servicing and servicing motor vehicles, such as a workshop business or a salon business.

4. Motor Vehicle Accessories and Modification Business

Not inferior to other automotive business opportunities, the business and modification of motor vehicles also promises considerable profits.

Among the accessories and motor vehicle modification services that consumers are always looking for are fuel-saving devices and accessories to modify their vehicles and so on.

5. Equipment business for riders

In addition to the appearance of cars and motorbikes, driver support equipment must also be considered such as helmets, jackets, gloves, tissues, car pillows, steering gloves and others. This business is also a great start if you want to start small.

6. Car Rental Service Business

Car rental business opportunities require business capital because you have to have several cars that can be rented out to consumers. This business is very busy and is needed by companies or families who want to travel.

How to Effectively Develop Automotive Business Opportunities

1. Create your Business name with a unique name

Business Name is the beginning you need to learn. Create a unique name for consumers to remember about your Business. And it would be even better if your business name has a certain meaning.

2. Work with the community

Community marketing is said by experts to be a powerful marketing strategy for the next few years, considering that humans, especially in Indonesia, are very happy to create communities and carry out activities together.

The business opportunities you are working on can take advantage of this momentum to collaborate with the community.

The large number of members, in addition to the strength of their community to spread information about your product or service is a reason to collaborate with the community to develop your business opportunity.

3. Promos on social media

There are several types of social media that you can use to promote your business. Promos on social media do not need to spend a lot of capital, but you must be diligent in building relationships with consumers through the social media platforms you use.

4. Unique Ads

You can promote your business by creating ads on some platforms like Youtube. Create unique Ads so that people who watch are curious and want to see your ad.

5. Cooperate with endorsers

You can work with famous people. This is one of the ways of promotion that you can do for your business. Famous people will help market your business by uploading it to their social media, but you have to pay if you want to support.

6. Simple bookkeeping

The Automotive Business Opportunity is very promising if you know the basics. In addition to understanding the automotive products you sell, you must report financial statements and others so as not to experience losses.

You can try using existing accounting software to make it easier than making automotive business bookkeeping manually.

Every business needs managed bookkeeping. Currently, there are still many who make bookkeeping manually, but without realizing it, with the development of rampant technology, online accounting software or accounting software to inventory applications such as Jurnal by Mekari is a solution that makes it easier to book your business.

Business Benefits in the Automotive Sector

A business in the automotive sector can be a type of business that has the potential to generate profits. This is evidenced by the proliferation of automotive-based businesses. This condition is related to consumer demand for automotive products.

As with any business in other fields, a business in the automotive field also has several advantages for those of you who are interested in running this business.

1. Can Save Capital

The advantage of a business in the automotive sector is that there is no need to spend a large amount of capital, provided that this type of business is not classified as a large industry. What is needed is willpower, careful planning, skills, ideas and services that provide added value and satisfaction for consumers.

2. No Stock of Goods Required

As already explained, because the product of a business in the automotive field is automotive. So that this business can continue to run as long as there are automotive skills or products sold or offered.

This is an advantage when compared to businesses that sell goods, because they have to provide stock, be it raw, semi-finished goods or ready-to-sell goods.

3. No Capital Deposit

This is also one of the business advantages in the automotive sector. Because in the absence of stock of goods, there is no potential for unsold goods and become precipitating capital.

In contrast to the goods sector, which has to provide stock of goods and it is likely that the stock of unsold goods will result in considerable costs that become capital to complete it.

4. No Need for Warehouse and Distribution

As a type of business in the automotive sector, it does not require a special storage space such as a warehouse without stock of goods. This can be an advantage as it does not require additional costs to rent or create a storage shed.

There is also no business in the automotive field that discusses the distribution of goods. This makes you not have to manage goods, calculate the number of goods to monitor the turnover of goods so that there is no stock that can harm the business.

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